Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Labor policy Recycled Sewer water for Toowoomba to Drink

Labor has clearly indicated that to vote for RUDD is to introduce recycled sewer water from Brisbane for Toowoomba & Groom to drink from.
Labor's own document clearly spells this out.
It is the Beattie/Bligh Policy to pump recycled sewer water into wivenhoe dam then build a pipeline from wivenhoe dam and suck water to Toowoomba for Toowoomba's drinking supply. Yes you heard it right we will in effect be drinking Brisbane's recycled sewer water if you Vote Labor on the 24th Nov 07.
Double Click on image to enlarge.

RUDD's WATER POLICY FOR GROOM is to drink recycled SEWER water sourced from Brisbane

The direct quote is "Approve the Bligh Government's moves to connect Toowoomba to the South East Queensland water grid. end Quote"
SO You will be drinking water sourced from sewerage from Brisbane
"You have bee warned in advance of voting don't say you haven't been told up front" when you vote Labor.

That's why it is so important to to Vote 1 Rob Berry Independent an protest against sewer water being forced down throat with major health concerns.
If you Vote for Rob Berry who is an independent who has not got to toe any party line but can stand up & speak for the battler without fear, being the people's Rep free of any instructions or pressure from a managing party.
That's why it is so important to to Vote 1 Rob Berry Independent
And Don't forget Mr Macfarlane also supports the drinking of recycled water twice so what do you do with your vote tell both parties you won't drink recycled sewer water and lodge a protest vote for Rob Berry vote 1 then put your 2nd choice at number 2. don't forget to number all boxes on the ballot paper.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Don't risk your health is too important to risk it drinking recycled sewer water you don't get second chance

VOTE 1 Rob Berry for Groom
Lodge a protest vote tell the government your not going to drink any water that is sourced from a sewer it isn't safe and your childrens future health is too important to put them at risk. A risk not neccessarcy as we have plenty of cleaner sources of water that we can use that is not full of virus's, bateria,
pathegens, dioxines, and unknowns found in sewerage.
You can still vote for the candidate of your choice after placing your protest vote. Don't forget I am the Only candidate who will never support the drinking of recycled water sourced from the sewers.
This link below will take you direct

Rob Berry Statement on Protest Vote on sewer water

Rob Berry is the only Independent candidate for Groom who will never support the drinking of water sourced from recycled sewerage. The current member for Groom Ian Macfarlane and Labor candidate Chris Meibusch both support the drinking of recycled water sourced from a sewerage plant. The fact that these two major parties of both Liberal and Labor are willing put our health at an unnecessary risk is not acceptable, because the drinking of water recycled from a sewerage plant is not safe. We are neither labs rats nor guinea pigs in some experiment. I ask you to protect your family's health and Vote 1 for Rob BERRY there is cleaner water available don't risk your health it's too important.
There's NO second chance when it comes to your child's health.
If you can support me on Election Day or wish to donate financially please contact me.
I need the support of your Vote that's 1 in the Box on the ballot paper for Rob Berry Independent for Groom. And don't forget to number ALL box's on the ballot paper with your own choice's.

Phone 4636 6970 Phone 4636 4432 Mobile 0407 874652 Email: sgtb@bigpond.com (more)

Rob BERRY Mission Statement

On Election Day the people of Toowoomba &Groom have the opportunity to tell
the Federal Government WE WILL NOT drink recycled sewer water it isn’t safe, and your not going to risk your family’s future health.

You have can have your Protest vote by placing 1 in the box for Rob Berry Independent

And you can still vote for your candidate of choice at number 2 as preferences count.
So it doesn’t matter if your Liberal or Labor supporter if you don’t won’t to drink water sourced from the sewers then put 1 Rob Berry Independent as your protest vote.
Remember to number all the boxes on the ballot paper for the House of Representatives for GROOM.

Be mindful that you have had no real representation in groom by Ian Macfarlane
He has sat by and done nothing to bring a solution to the water problem of Toowoomba & Groom.
In fact he has supported the water futures plan that would have had you drinking from water sourced from the sewers. Documents obtained under FOI prove this.

Twice Mr Macfarlane has supported water being sourced from the sewers for your drinking supply and once he changed tune. How can anyone trust anyone who says YES then NO then YES again and has sat and watched Toowoomba & Groom residents suffer without lifting a finger to take responsibility. After all he supposed to represent us isn’t he?

The number one priority for groom is water the delivery of safe clean water that is not sourced from the sewers for the residents of Toowoomba and Groom.
As I am the only candidate who will never support the drinking of any water that is sourced from the sewers for use by either humans or animals.

I have the leadership ability to source & provide a permanent water solution for Toowoomba’s & Groom needs.
As it is abundantly clear to present any plan to TCC while they remain in office is a complete waste of time, as they have not demonstrated the institutional capacity to currently adequately provide or plan in advance for Toowoomba’s water needs.

Reminder: In the time of drought recycled sewage will not work. Brisbane are finding this out as people conserve water, less goes out the sewage plant hence less to recycle ending up with nothing left to recycle.

All Macfarlane promises are conditional upon the coalition being re-elected then funding will be available or continued a bit like treating the people as donkeys while holding out a the money carrot on a stick, you get to get sniffing it, but never ever get the full carrot.

I say anyone who supports you sourcing your drinking water from the sewers, they should be flushed from office and you should look forward pressing full flush at the ballot box by Voting 1 Rob Berry telling the Federal Government I am NOT drinking from any water sourced from the sewers it isn’t safe, I am not going to risk my health nor that of my family, It’s too important there is no second chance.

If Macfarlane loses his seat then NO government Liberal or Labor will ever be game to introduce recycle sewer water for drinking. The power of your vote will achieve this protect your health.
I need your support on Election Day

How come If the water is so safe to drink, how about we have the "experts" hook it up to their homes for a couple of years and see if they still feel that way.
It’s your right to demand to drink clean water, not water recycled from the sewers.
I ask you to protect your health and that of your children remember that the your skin absorbs water from showering and washing your eyes and face. Also the same water is used to wash food and wash your clothes. Think before you vote it is important for the sake of your future health.
Clean water is available and plenty of it vote 1 Rob Berry and we will get to use it.