Thursday, November 15, 2007

Don't risk your health is too important to risk it drinking recycled sewer water you don't get second chance

VOTE 1 Rob Berry for Groom
Lodge a protest vote tell the government your not going to drink any water that is sourced from a sewer it isn't safe and your childrens future health is too important to put them at risk. A risk not neccessarcy as we have plenty of cleaner sources of water that we can use that is not full of virus's, bateria,
pathegens, dioxines, and unknowns found in sewerage.
You can still vote for the candidate of your choice after placing your protest vote. Don't forget I am the Only candidate who will never support the drinking of recycled water sourced from the sewers.
This link below will take you direct

Rob Berry Statement on Protest Vote on sewer water

Rob Berry is the only Independent candidate for Groom who will never support the drinking of water sourced from recycled sewerage. The current member for Groom Ian Macfarlane and Labor candidate Chris Meibusch both support the drinking of recycled water sourced from a sewerage plant. The fact that these two major parties of both Liberal and Labor are willing put our health at an unnecessary risk is not acceptable, because the drinking of water recycled from a sewerage plant is not safe. We are neither labs rats nor guinea pigs in some experiment. I ask you to protect your family's health and Vote 1 for Rob BERRY there is cleaner water available don't risk your health it's too important.
There's NO second chance when it comes to your child's health.
If you can support me on Election Day or wish to donate financially please contact me.
I need the support of your Vote that's 1 in the Box on the ballot paper for Rob Berry Independent for Groom. And don't forget to number ALL box's on the ballot paper with your own choice's.

Phone 4636 6970 Phone 4636 4432 Mobile 0407 874652 Email: (more)


Anonymous said...

Your right Rob unfortunately most people find this out when it's too late health is the most inportant thing in life.
Best wishes Les

Anonymous said...

Lodge a protest Vote 1 Rob BERRY the ONLY Independent Candidate for GROOM who will never support the drinking of recycled water that is sourced from the sewers. IT'S NOT Safe. Your health is the most important thing in your family's & children's lives so don't risk it there is NO second chance. A vote for Macfarlane or Meibusch is a vote to drink sewer water. Recycled sewer water won’t lift restrictions, won’t produce any new water and puts your heath & life at risk and that’s not acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Go Rob!!!

Anonymous said...

Worth sending a message. Do you think you can topple Macfarlane?

Anonymous said...

Rob for PM!

Anonymous said...

no matter how many votes rob berry gets water is going to be the number one issue at the council elections next march

Anonymous said...

colin said...
Worth sending a message. Do you think you can topple Macfarlane?

ANSWER Yes if people support me at the ballot box by placing 1 for Rob Berry and numbering all the other boxes of their choice. We must stand to up to protect our future health drinking water sourced from sewerage is messing with mother nature and she will surley come back a bite those who dare to fiddle.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
no matter how many votes rob berry gets water is going to be the number one issue at the council elections next march

Answer. YES First priority

Anonymous said...

But Macfarlane got something like 60% of the vote on a 2 party preferred basis last time. How can you overcome that?

Anonymous said...

Go Rob you've got my vote on Saturday

Anonymous said...

Coiln reference your statement Macfarlane has got 60% on a two party prefered bais that may be so BUT when it come down to your family's health that is more important than ANY party in fact nothing is more important to put it at risk is like standing in the middle of the railway track and saying the train won't effect me.
There is NO need to take tjis risk on recycled sewer water No need at all.

Anonymous said...

What are the other options?

Anonymous said...

RE: Other options
Maybe you should go and ask Rob face to face sounds like a good idea. Or better still support by voting him in as the representative for Groom just might see things happen cause at the moment your getting nothing. In other words you have got nothing to lose but a lifestyle to gain instead of being suppressed with no relief in sight.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck its a vote from me

Anonymous said...

Rob do us proud and whip there arse WE will vote for you best of luck on the day (ITS OK TO SAY NO) no shit water

Anonymous said...

I don't see what so wrong with asking what are his other options. It's one thing to say he doesn't want to have PRW through the taps but what are his alternatives? The voters deserve to know what other options he is offering. He'll get far more votes for offering solutions that just banging the same old don't drink PRW drum.

Anonymous said...

I say again go and ask him, its plain to see the suppression by media on the other candidates they certainly aline themselves only giving maximum space and airtime to the major parties. I would say this to you give him your support he can deliver if you don't vote and support Rob Berry then chances are you will never know. I wouldn't knowingly put my children in harms way and I am sure you wouldn't either. So support Rob he won't let you down take that first step with confidence otherwise you will have more of the same I know which way I'm going I hope you do to.

Anonymous said...

You say - if you don't vote and support Rob Berry then chances are you will never know.

I'd rather know up front. What is his plan to solve the water problems and what would it cost?

This website says - I have the leadership ability to source & provide a permanent water solution for Toowoomba’s & Groom needs.

So what is it?

Is it Rob Berry's secret plant to provide water?

Anonymous said...

SO would it change your vote to know or do you still accept what other will deliver to (water sourced from the sewers to drink)?
You can lodge a protest vote being 1 for Rob Berr & still support the party of your choice as preferences count this is the smart way to go.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to know what Rob Berry is offering as an alternative to PRW. So far it just seems to be Rob's secret plan to fight PRW.

Anonymous said...

SO would it change your vote to know or do you still accept what other will deliver to (water sourced from the sewers to drink)?
You can lodge a protest vote being 1 for Rob Berr & still support the party of your choice as preferences count this is the smart way to go.
Maybe this link may help explain preferences

Anonymous said...

He says on this site he is at 301 Hume between 10 - 2pm maybe stop typing and go and ask him.
From Les

Anonymous said...

I think it would be more of the same - a secret plan to fight PRW - vote me in and I will reveal it. Got to be more upfront with the voters to get any votes.

Anonymous said...

Macfarlane will win - bet the house on it

Anonymous said...

Isn't Macfearlane saying more funding is condidtional upon the coalition being returned to Government ie nothing will progress or happen if they are not re-elected it's up to you if you've had enough if you have then change it with your vote it's your choice.
From Les

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Macfarlane will win - bet the house on it

November 18, 2007 10:46 AM

Answer lets make a 10 cents bet the winner gets the 10 cents delivered in person on Monday 26th I pick Macfarlane to lose his seat.
From Les

Anonymous said...

You say Isn't Macfearlane saying more funding is conditional upon the coalition being returned

Obviously Macfarlane can't promise something if he is no longer in government.

Could Rob Berry as an independent actually deliver anything?

Anonymous said...

Macfarlane will win - bet the house on it

Make it $10 with the loser giving it to the charity they choose. To confirm back here after the election.

Anonymous said...

Go Rob!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Give it up Rob! You are so behind the times it is laughable! Come up with a solution and stop carrying on with the scare-mongering tactics! You are an idiot!