Tuesday, November 20, 2007

RUDD's WATER POLICY FOR GROOM is to drink recycled SEWER water sourced from Brisbane

The direct quote is "Approve the Bligh Government's moves to connect Toowoomba to the South East Queensland water grid. end Quote"
SO You will be drinking water sourced from sewerage from Brisbane
"You have bee warned in advance of voting don't say you haven't been told up front" when you vote Labor.

That's why it is so important to to Vote 1 Rob Berry Independent an protest against sewer water being forced down throat with major health concerns.
If you Vote for Rob Berry who is an independent who has not got to toe any party line but can stand up & speak for the battler without fear, being the people's Rep free of any instructions or pressure from a managing party.
That's why it is so important to to Vote 1 Rob Berry Independent
And Don't forget Mr Macfarlane also supports the drinking of recycled water twice so what do you do with your vote tell both parties you won't drink recycled sewer water and lodge a protest vote for Rob Berry vote 1 then put your 2nd choice at number 2. don't forget to number all boxes on the ballot paper.

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